CR Donjon & Cie (en VO) [MAJ 07/12]

Critiques de Jeu, Comptes rendus et retour d'expérience
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

CR Donjon & Cie (en VO) [MAJ 07/12]

Message par Sammael99 »

Donjon & Cie. est le jeu que je suis en train d'écrire. Il est (pour l'essentiel) mécanisé par l'excellent Machiatto Monsters d'Eric Nieudan. J'ai fait une quinzaine de parties test ces derniers mois, et je suis assez satisfait des résultats, mais je n'ai pas encore testé sur la durée. Du coup, je mets en place une partie suivie avec mes joueurs de Hong Kong. Je vais faire les CR en Anglais (forcément), mais je les partagerais quand même ici pour les anglophones. 

Voilà un petit pitch de Donjon & Cie (en Français) pour vous mettre dans le bain: 

De tous temps certains se sont interrogés sur la cohérence de ces lieux dangereux mais lucratifs que sont les Donjons. Des aventuriers les explorent et, s’ils survivent aux multiples monstres et piègent qu’on y trouve, en sortent riches.

Mais pourquoi ces lieux existent-ils? Pourquoi une telle diversité de monstres ont-ils décidé d’y habiter ? Qui réarme les pièges après le passage des derniers aventuriers ? Et d’ailleurs, que sont devenus les corps de ceux-ci ? Pourquoi n’y rencontre-t’on que rarement les dépouilles des précédents explorateurs ? Ce n’est pas comme s’il était difficile d’entendre parler de tels lieux: le moindre aubergiste, le moindre chef de village a toujours au moins une rumeur, sinon une mission concernant un Donjon a proximité.

La vérité méconnue, c’est que les Donjons, en tous cas les plus vastes d’entre eux, sont des entreprises. Elles sont gérées par des équipes dirigeantes qui recrutent les monstres, qui établissent des plans des lieux qu’ils décident d’habiter, construisent des pièges, et se chargent de la réception des aventuriers. Pourquoi? Pour l’argent. Car si les aventuriers croient trouver la richesse dans le Donjon, ce sont en fait eux qui apportent la leur: leurs bourses bien remplies, leurs objets magiques, leurs médaillons divins, jusqu’à leurs dents en or.

En un mot comme en cent: Donjon & Cie. élimine les aventuriers, et s’enrichit de leurs biens. C’est son modèle économique. Enfin, ça c’est quand tout roule. Parce qu’une telle organisation est complexe à maintenir. Il faut attirer les aventuriers, en répandant des rumeurs, en enlevant des enfants de villageois, en laissant de temps en temps quelques aventuriers d’en sortir pour qu’ils disent à tout le monde combien le Donjon est vaste et rempli de richesses. Il faut recruter des monstres, il faut entretenir les pièges, il faut cartographier les lieux pour que les monstres sachent où sont les aventuriers et comment s’en débarrasser au mieux. Plus haut dans la hiérarchie, il faut trouver des investisseurs et s’assurer qu’ils rentrent dans leurs fonds in fine, il faut s’assurer que le personnel ne s’agite pas trop, il faut vérifier que le pot aux roses n’est pas découvert par des aventuriers qui iraient décrédibiliser le Donjon auprès de ses « clients » potentiels.

Dans Donjon & Cie, vous jouez des receveurs, rattachés à la Direction de l’Accueil. Votre rôle c’est d’accueillir les aventuriers, généralement à coups de massue. Vous êtes les agents de terrain du Donjon, équipés de plans des niveaux où des aventuriers ont été repérés. Votre rôle c’est de profiter de l’avantage du terrain dont vous disposez pour les éliminer au plus vite. Votre aspiration, c’est de dépenser votre solde dans les magasins du Donjon, dans ses auberges et ses maisons closes; car le Donjon est un employeur prévenant pour qui votre bien-être est primordial. Et qui sait, si vous faites vraiment bien votre travail, vous pourrez devenir employé du mois et accéder pendant quelques jours aux salons et divertissements de vos supérieurs hiérarchiques. C’est ainsi que vous vous ferez bien voir des différents services de cette grande Maison qu’est le Donjon.

Note: en Anglais le département de l'Accueil s'appelle Client Services. Les Clients sont les aventuriers, évidemment...

- Machiatto Monsters est (c) Eric Nieudan (@Surcapitaine). Achetez le, c'est une perle.
- Tous les designs graphiques (feuilles de personnages, logos, organigramme) sont de @Renz. Qu'il en soit remercié!
- La carte pour cet épisode est de Dyson Logos, publiée ici sans autorisation.
Dernière modification par Sammael99 le jeu. déc. 07, 2017 11:45 am, modifié 7 fois.
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

The Employees

Gnorman (silent G), a Gnome Trapmaker is a frail gnome whose skills with traps got him a position in Client Services. What he lacks in physical strength he more than makes up in precision. Gnorman always carries with him spherical exploding devices of his own making. They're not always reliable (Unpredictable Explosions is a Specialist Training). Gnorman can also use some pseudo-magical devices to Grease the floor in front of him or plunge a room in Darkness. (Magical Training). Gnorman worships an obscure deity called Glord. 

Zolark is a Conniving Goblin who advances by gaming the system. If there's one area where he has done his homework it's in knowing all of the company's rules and regulation (and how to abuse them). His specialist training is that he is Insanely Bureaucratic. He is also pretty tough for a Gobelin and starts the game with 2D6 hit dice. 

Ssservalax is a Vain Troglodyte. She is female, not that anyone notices. She is convinced, despite everyone's behaviour around her, that she is beautiful, and certainly does all she can to enhance that natural beauty. She is a tough troglodyte (2D6 hit dice) and has a specialist training to use her troglodyte glandular sacs to project a noxious vapour. 

Toad is a Glory-Hunting Werewolf. He can shift to a wolfman form which makes him stronger in melee combat (and weaker in all precision activities). He is pretty dim generally, but he's a weapon fanatic and loves to discuss the properties of various weapons with those similarly interested. He has a martial training of D8. 
Dernière modification par Sammael99 le dim. sept. 17, 2017 4:20 am, modifié 2 fois.
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

Some Colleagues

The group's supervisor is Zyylla, a female Goblin who is Distracted and Insecure. She is Zolark's second cousin (+). 

The quartermaster in charge of their equipment is Quinlan, a Generous but Inefficient Minotaur. Toad and him share an obsession with weapons (+) but he thinks Gnorman is beneath him, both literally and figuratively (-). 

The cartographer they interact with is the Imp Irma. Despite the name, no one really knows if she's female, or even if Imps have genders. She's a Perfectionist and a Devout worshipper of Glord. Gnorman and Irma get along largely because of their shared worship (+) whereas Sservalax has no time for her idle superstitions (-). 

More often than not, the Employee of the Month is Sir Robert of the Golden Lance (but "please just call me Bob"). Sir Robert is a Likeable and Selfless Zombie. He gets along well with Sservalax, and they often play draughts together (+). On the other hand, he believes that Zolark is up to no good (-) and Toad is jealous of him being 'in his spot' (-). 

(+) denotes a positive relationship
(-) denotes a negative relationship
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Messages : 1282
Inscription : dim. mai 08, 2005 4:54 pm

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par lordsamael »

Ah mais c'est cool ça ! 

Je reconnais le pitch que tu avais déjà développé ici même.
Quand tu dis que tu l’écris, c'est dans l'optique de le sortir un jour ou c'est pour ton usage exclusif ?

Dans tout les cas, je vais suivre ce thread ^^
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

Non non, c'est bien dans l'objectif de le publier. 

J'en dirais plus quand l'écriture sera plus avancée. 
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Messages : 209
Inscription : ven. nov. 09, 2012 10:14 pm
Localisation : Lille

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par nergaal »

Je découvre et là tout de suite ça donne envie :)
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

Mission #1 : A Discreet Magician

Zolark, Gnorman and Ssservalax are playing cards in the resting room. Ssservalax keeps looking aside: there's a mirror there and she's checking herself out. 

Their supervisor Zyylla walks past. 

- Hi cousin! says Zolark. 
- Oh, hello! What are you guys doing here?
- Waiting for the next mission. What are you doing here?
- Me? I'm... Oh damn! I need to see you in my office right now! 

She dashes out back to her desk. 

The three receivers pack the cards and get up leisurely. They walk to Zylla's office. On the door there a plaque that says Zylla - Supervisor. Ssservalax knocks. 

- Come in! Oh! It's you. How are you guys doing?

Zyylla is sitting behind her desk, shuffling through pieces of parchment with a frown on her face. 

- We're just fine, Zolark says. 
- What brings you here?
- Well, you just asked us to come see you!
- I did? Oh damn! So I did. Yes, I know what I was looking for now. 

She shuffles parchment again until she finally snatches a sheet. 

- Ah ha! You guys are going on a mission, isn't that amazing ?
- Sure, sure, Gnorman mutters. 
- So this one's a bit tricky, but I'm sure you'll manage just great. 

Zyylla scans the page before continuing:

- Right, so these clients erupted into level -48, a section called the 'Halls of the Dwarven Kings'. There's a hobgoblin tribe there. Our stuck up orange cousins, she adds, winking at Zolark. They dispatched the adventurers, but Supervision says one of them made it alive. It's surprising really, as hobgoblins tend to be thorough, but anyway, you need to go check it up. If one did indeed survive, you need to fix it. 
- Kill thisss client? Ssservalax asks for clarification. 
- Yes. 
- What do we know about this client? Gnorman inquires. 
- Says here he's a magician. I don't know how Supervision knows, but there you are. 
- Anything else?
- Errr... no. So who volunteers to be mission chief?

No one lifts a hand, but Zolark discreetly winks to his cousin. 

- Well, in that case, I guess I'll just nominate one of you. Zolark, you are mission chief. 

She hands him the mission order, and off they go one level below to the Storehouse. The large corridor they arrive from has openings on one side where desks have been laid. Behind the desks, they see the inside of the Storehouse level: massive racks supporting weapons of all sorts, hangers with various pieces of armour, and some crates and barrels at the back where the rations are kept. Quinlan, their assigned quartermaster is sprawled over his desk, scratching one of his massive horns, his bovine eyes staring vaguely in the distance. He only reacts when the receivers are standing right in front of him. 

- Oh, hi Ssservalax, he says. You alone ?

In response Zolark raises his arm with the mission order (his head is actually below the level of the desk). Quinlan snatches the mission order and asks: 

- Is the other (he makes a sign with his fingers suggesting something small) there ?

- I can hear you, you know, Gnorman says in a cold voice. 

Quinlan scans the mission order, mumbling. 

- Halls of the Dwarves on minus fourty-eight... Yes, I think I saw those mission packs this morning. Let me check...

Quinlan turns around and rummages through a number of sacks by his desk. He hands one to each of the three receivers, tossing more than giving it to Gnorman. 

Gnorman has a small leather coat and a round buckler, a sling and some stones as well as whip in his pack. He also has some dry biscuits. 

Zolark has an unwieldy voulge, a long bow he doesn't know how to use and a helmet that is too large for him. His food is liver sausage and various items of dubious use. 

Sservalax has some javelins, a ringmail armour and a large stick in her pack as well as some food and assorted items. 

- Quinlan, she hisses, they forgot to give me a sssword or sssimilar weapon for melee combat. 
- Nope, he says, pointing at the stick?
- You mussst be joking! 
- That's what it is, girl...

Having taken stock of their unconvincing gear, they head out towards the Map Library, muttering about earning enough to buy their own equipment and not depend on the Storehouse management's absurd decisions. 

- According to the rules and regs, Zolark says unconvinced, they give us whatever equipment has been collected from clients. In a sense we should blame the clients. 
- I don't buy thisss for a sssecond. Incompetent fools! Ssservalax retorts. 
- Mind you Quinlan isn't exactly a paragon of competence himself... Gnorman adds acidly. 

The Map Library is a large room with massive tables in the center on which company cartographers are tracing the maps to the seemingly limitless levels of the Dungeon. All of the walls are covered with racks of small square section holes. Each hole holds a rolled map. 

Irma is at its desk, scratching a used parchment. Its concentration is extrement, so that only Gnorman's greeting gets its attention: 
- May the glory of Glord bask you day, the gnome says. 
- Glord be with you and smite thine enemies, Irma answers automatically. So where are you guys headed?
- Level -48, Dwarvish something or other. 
- Oh yeah? That rings a vague bell. Let me see the mission order. 

Irma stares at Zolark, a little surprised when he hands her the parchment. 

- Alright, let me fetch that for you then. 

It hovers away, heading for one of the racks. It extracts from there a parchment, and rolls it into a bone case, which it then hands to Zolark. 

- You are to bring this map back in its current impeccable condition, Zolark. 
- Yeah yeah yeah, like every other time. I know the drill. 
- Well, I'm more attentive than other cartographers you may have worked with, so make sure you bring it as pristine as it is now. 
- Sure, sure. 


As the three receivers head out towards the Elevating Platform, Zolark opens the bone case and unrolls the map. It's handdrawn and annotated. He reads the annotations aloud for the others to hear. 

Then follows the long descent into the bowels of the Dungeon. Our three receivers have no idea how the Elevating Platform is powered, but it creaks and shifts constantly. In order to pass the time, Dungeon, Inc has appointed Kaenidji, a goblin bard who sings quiet tunes or plays soothing instrumentals throughout...

Zolark, Gnorman and Ssservalax finally emerge from the Elevating Platform into the Central Column on level -48. This column connects all the client-ready areas on that level through a series of complex secret passages. Only receivers know the series of bricks to press in the right order to get these passages to open. Still, emerging from the central column passages is always a delicate moment since they must not be seen. 

The three receivers, having used the discreet eye-piece always positioned to see that no one is on the other side of the last secret door. Having checked this, Zolark taps the bricks in the right sequance and the wall swings open silently. 

The map doesn't describe this small room specifically, but it's next to a room marked a Weapon's Storage. This one looks more like it must have been food storage a long time ago. Everything is long rotten or turned to dust though. Jutting out of the grey stone walls the receivers can still see rusted iron rods that must have supported wooden shelves. One thing stands out however: crumbled on the floor is a large piece of cloth. Zolark lights one of his torch so that they can all see details better. Ssservalax pokes it with her stick, and when nothing moves, she picks it up. It looks like a green robe, human size, slashed and with traces of blood.

- Probably the clothes of the one we're after, Zolark says. 
- Ssstrange. Why would he disrobe? Is he going around ssstark naked?
- Hard to tell. Probably not enough blood here for him to be dead from the blood loss alone, Gnorman opines. 
- Let's move on, then, Zolark concludes. 

After having listened that no one is in the next room, Zolark opens the door and enters the Weapon Storage. He finds himself surrounded by the dull gleam of dozens of rusted weapons: swords, axeheads, pikeheads, either lie still in the metal racks designed for them or lie on the floor. Only one weapon is still shining as if it'd been forged yesterday: a fine short sword that looks very sharp indeed. Zolark has a moment of hesitation, but decides that it would be too conspicuous to pilfer such a weapon. 

Beyond the next door the goblin hears shouts and laughs and while he can't hear the specific words, he's pretty sure that the language is Goblin. 

- This is where the hobgoblins must be. We should go and talk to them. 

Zolark opens the door and casually enters a massive hall in the center of which the hobgoblins have settled. The architecture is decidedly Dwarvish: the columns are square and heavy, dwarven runes in frises adorn the upper part of the outer walls, and here and there are the remains of statues of stout dwarves. The hobgoblins have settled about half of the hall, living on the floor in a quite orderly fashion. The only feature of their encampment is a tent which has been erected on the far end of the hall from where the receivers are looking, just in front of the secret passage to the fake treasure room shown on their map. Three female hobgoblin warriors are standing in front the entrance, swords drawn on their laps. 

The hobgoblin tribe seems to number in the twenties, and the warriors are well equipped: shining studded leather armours and swords. A few of them have short bows as well. Even among those who are clearly not warriors (mostly because they look too young or too old) there's an air of discipline. The tribe seems to be currently gathered around a fire over which a human leg on a spit is slowly roasting. The smell is quite appetizing to Zolark, although the others don't much care for it.

Zolark openly walks towards the largest Hobgoblin, who he presumes (correctly) to be the chief. Two of the hobgoblins draw their swords, but clearly more as a precaution than as an aggressive gesture. 

- Hello my friend, Zolark says. I was wondering if you have seen some human explorers in recent days ?

The chief seems a bit taken aback, but decides to answer nonetheless: 

- Yes, and my tribe has slaughtered them without even one of our warriors dying. They did not even pass the door of our Hall!
- Has one of them escaped?
- No! We have killed them all and are now eating their flesh! Are you doubting our prowess?
- Not at all, just inquiring. You see I have it on good authority that one of them is sneaky, so I was wondering... How many did you kill?
- Three or four, I do not recall exactly. They are in the antechamber over there, you can go see for yourself. Don't count the limbs though, we've been eating some of those!!!
- We will go and check, we will. 
- Why are you asking these questions? the hobgoblin chief asks, slightly menacingly now.
- Well, see, I work for a crime boss a few levels up. This gentleman we're looking for has swindled the boss, and that's just not on. So we've got to kill him dead and bring his stuff back to the boss. Simple as that. 

The hobgoblin chief scratches his head, and the three receivers head out to said antechamber, North on their map. Zolark cautiously opens the door. It looks (and smells) like expected: bits of human cadavers spread on the floor. Zolark gives the all clear and the three receivers move in. There are four corpses, including a magician with a green dress identical to the one they have seen tattered in the closet they entered from. As they are examining the scene, Zolark grabs a dagger and plucks an eye out of one of the corpses. 

- Don't eat that! Ssservalax says. It'sss disgusting: it'sss not ripe yet. You'll get a belly ache!

Zolark hesitates, then shrugs and munches on the eyeball. 

- This is very strange indeed, says Gnorman looking at the magician's corpse. Do you think he had two robes? If yes how did the one we found end up over there? 
- We'll have to elucidate this later, but meanwhile, let's gather their gear for collection, Zolark says. 

The goblin takes the robe off from the magician's corpse and starts piling all the stuff they find on it: weapons, armours, pouches, trinkets, etc. Zolark swipes a fine looking dagger and keeps it for himself. He then starts dragging the heavy parcel out towards the weapon's room. As soon as he passes the door to the main hall however, he falls forward as he suddenly realizes he is not dragging any weight. 

- What?
- This is getting curiouser and curiouser, Gnorman says. 

They head back in the antechamber. They see all the equipment piled up on the floor where they put it, but the robe is no longer there, it's back on the magician's cadaver.

- Hrm, Gnorman says, scratching his chin. I recently spoke to Linda, you know the human girl in Advertising who often goes Outside to talk to Wizards and understand how to attract them to the Dungeon. She gave me a few tips on how to recognize illusions, and I'm pretty certain this is one of them. In fact...

Gnorman examines the corpse closely and notices that the skin has a slight orange tinge. 

- ... I suspect it's slowly wearing off. So the magician is not dead, he is passing off as one of the hobgoblins. 
- Let's go and warn the chief, Zolark says, he's a good guy. 
- I sssuspect he may not believe usss, essspecially consssidering his pride in their martial prowesss. 
- Ssservalax is right. I think we will have to unmask him (quite literally) ourselves. I may have a plan.

Gnorman explains his intention to his colleagues and they agree to follow his lead.

They enter the hall again and head towards the Hobgoblin chief, all smiles. 

- Any chance I could partake in that roast? Zolark asks. It smells amazing.
- It would be my pleasure. Will your friends eat with us as well?
- No, but do not feel offended: they're not great meat lovers. Pity, but it leaves all the more for us, eh?
- Indeed. I myself am partial to roasted toes. Would you like to try them?
- I would, I would!

While they are chatting in Hobgoblin, Gnorman and Ssservalax stand in a central position, where all the tribe members might hear them and start talking in the common tongue. After a short while (and the hope that they have the attention of any Hobgoblin passing himself as a human), Gnorman says: 

- Ssservalax, have you heard about the Goblin who ate too many plums?
- No, I have not...
- He was green with diarrhea! 

The punchline is uttered quite loudly, and both Ssservalax and Gnorman hear a faint chuckle coming in from the tent. They keep on talking as if they hadn't noticed, but Gnorman makes a face at Zolark, pointing towards the tent. 

- So what's that tent there? It's your quarters, I suppose?
- No no no. A hobgoblin chief lives among his tribesmen. This is the Shaman's tent. Shaman's need to perform their magics and talk to spirits in seclusion. That is why our virgin warrior maidens keep the tent always. 
- Oh, how interesting, you see amongst us goblins...

Zolark keeps on chatting the chief for a little while, and finally concludes, saying they need to get going and will be exploring the area for traces of the man they are looking for, if it's no bother. The chief gives him his ascent, and off they go, deciding to enter the forge and from there check out the fake treasure mentioned on the map.

The forge is dusty and entirely useless, but features all things expected in a dwarven forge: bellows (with the leather mostly rotten), anvils, basins, rusted pincers and many more items whose functions are not clear to the receivers. From there they move on to the King's Chambers indicated on their map. Again, the chambers are barren of anything organic, only the metallic frame of the king's bed is still there, though thorougly rusted. Zolark tries to find a sequence of bricks to open the secret door indicated on the map, to no avail. Gnorman starts examining the bedframe, and find a small lever behind of the bedposts. He flips it, and the wall opens with a mild click. 

The room the passage leads to is a treasure room, at least on first examination. Its metal coffers, though ruster half open, are full to the brim of golden coins. Zolark's eyes gleam in the light of the torch reflected on those coins until...

- Wait a minute! That's copper coated with gold paint! 
- Those colleagues in advertising are sssmart... I would never have known, Ssservalax answers. 

Gnorman, meanwhile, checks the map and starts looking for a switch to open the secret passage into the Shaman's tent. He finally finds something that feels like a button on the inside of the lid of one of the coffers. Looking at the others, he waits for them to be ready and presses the button. 

The wall slides down, and the three receivers look into the Shaman's tent. The Shaman himself is surprised and terrified at the intrusion. "Help!" he yells in Goblin. "I am being attacked!" It may be faint, but Zolark detects an unmistakable accent in his speech. 

Ssservalax throws a javelin at the Shaman. She uses a technique shown to her by Gryfflick, a killing chimaera wotking in Termination, but only grazes him. Zolark stands back, knowing himself to be ineffective in combat. Gnorman meanwhile takes out one of his exploding orbs from his sack and lobs it at the back of the tent where he can now see the hobgoblin virgin maiden warriors standing up and coming to the Shaman's rescue. The orb explodes, and the front of the tent collapses. The back of the tent is fastened to the wall and so stands, but the tent itself has caught fire. The Shaman points at Ssservalax, and a stream of purple light shoots from his finger and burns her.

Zolark decides it is time for him to intervene. He jumps directly at the shaman, with the idea of rolling him into the fire. He succeeds, but also catches fire himself. He stands back up nonetheless and tries to stab the Shaman with the dagger he took from the corpses, but to no avail. The Shaman starts yelling... in Common and slapping himself to extinguish the flames! As he finally manages it, Gnorman starts pelting him with well shot slingstones. The shaman looks Gnorman intently in the eyes, and the gnome senses a wave of friendship pass through him. He strains to resist though and manages not to be swayed by the magic.

Ssservalax has run out of javelins. It's time to move in close and start hitting with her stick. Zolark realises that unless he puts himself out, he's going to burn to death. He remembers a discussion with Eldorg, a dark elf who works in maintenance. Eldorg told him that after the great fire of level 17, Maintenance discreetly implemented a policy of having sand bags hanging in many dungeon areas. He looks around, and indeed there's such a bag. He slashes it with his dagger and the sand douses the flames on him. 

Meanwhile, the warrior maidens have been hacking at the front of the tent. The receivers can also hear the barks of the hobgoblin chief. They start to see their blades cutting through the fabric. Time is running short. 

Ssservalax manages to graze the Shaman again with his stick, but it's one of Gnorman's slingstones, right between the eyes, that finally downs the Shaman. Just as he hits the floor, the Hobgoblin chief and the warrior maidens appear, weapons drawn and ready to hack the receivers to bits. 

- Look! Zolark yells, pointing at the Shaman's body. 

The body is elongating. Its skin changes to a more pinkish colour, blonde hair and a beard appear: in death, the Shaman is shapeshifting back into the Magician. The Hobgoblins cry in horror, and the chief yells at Zolark: 

- What is this sorcery? Where is our Shaman?
- I suspect you will find its dead body in your antechamber. This magician used sorcery to take his place, disguise the body and and live amongst your tribe. 
- Why did you not tell us?
- You would not have believed us, and we would be dead by now. 
- That may be true. I suppose you have our thanks for ridding us of this intruder, then. 
- That's fine. He's the one we were after. We will now take what he carries with him and be on our way. 

They strip the body of any valuables. These include an ornate bracelet with a drawn frieze that shows a man turning into a bear and back. Also, Zolark finds on him an old map that shows the Halls of the Dwarves and points to the fake treasury with this mention: "gold aplenty in the Dwarven King's Treasury". 

- Those marketing guys, Ssservalax hisses looking over the Goblin's shoulder, they are very sssuccesssful, yesss?

The receivers ask the chief if they may rest in the hall before being on their way, and although troubled by their presence, the chief now fears them a little. He agrees. When most of the tribe is asleep, they slip out through the weapon's storage room with the equipment of the four receivers. Thus their way in isn't revealed to the hobgoblins. They drop the equipment in the central column to a representative of supplies who will inventory them. Before that though, they look inside the purses of the dead adventurers and each choose to keep a little gold for themselves.

Once back in the receivers' quarters, they give Zyylla a quick summary of the mission (omitting their own pilfering, obviously). Zyylla is pleased, and commends Gnorman on using his exploding items wisely. They then head out to the Map Library to hand the map back to Irma, who inspects every corner of it before declaring it intact. Finally, they hand back their equipment to a bored Quinlan, and can finally head out to their bunkbeds and get a well deserved rest. 
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

Merci de m'indiquer si la carte apparait. Pour moi elle n'apparait pas avec Chrome, mais elle apparait avec Safari. Je soupçonne un plugin malicieux.
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Messages : 15
Inscription : sam. sept. 06, 2014 6:07 pm
Localisation : Shanghai, Chine

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Neitsa69 »

pas de carte pour moi en chrome, and a very pleasant reading. Dès que tu passes à Shanghai, tu nous trouveras prêts à tester! 
Juste un détail les Hobgobelins ne sont pas des employés de la compagnie, ils sont des monstres errants qui pensent s’être installés dans le hall du Roi Nain, n'est-ce pas? Il y a donc un service de l'entreprise qui gère l'attraction des monstres?
L’expérience est une lanterne que l'on s'accroche dans le dos. Kong zi
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Inscription : dim. mai 08, 2005 4:54 pm

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par lordsamael »

Sammael99 a écrit : dim. sept. 17, 2017 4:21 amMerci de m'indiquer si la carte apparait. Pour moi elle n'apparait pas avec Chrome, mais elle apparait avec Safari. Je soupçonne un plugin malicieux.

visible sous chrome et opéra pour moi 
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

Neitsa69 a écrit : dim. sept. 17, 2017 5:26 am pas de carte pour moi en chrome, and a very pleasant reading. Dès que tu passes à Shanghai, tu nous trouveras prêts à tester! 
Juste un détail les Hobgobelins ne sont pas des employés de la compagnie, ils sont des monstres errants qui pensent s’être installés dans le hall du Roi Nain, n'est-ce pas? Il y a donc un service de l'entreprise qui gère l'attraction des monstres?

Absolument. Dans le jargon de l'entreprise, ces monstres intelligents mais non conscients de l'existence de Donjon & Cie. s'appellent les résidents, et le service idoine (au sein des Ressources Vivantes) s'appelle les Relations Intérieures.
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

La partie de ce soir est prête. J'ai longtemps hésité sur ce qu'on allait faire, mais je suis assez content de ce que j'ai fini par trouver. J'espère que ça va tourner aussi bien que je l'envisage. 
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

D'ailleurs, pour ceux qui seraient intéressés par la partie mécanique, voici les persos de niveau 1. Je détaillerais les passages de niveaux: 

Zolark "Conniving Goblin" (M)
S9 D11 CO12 I7 W8 CH7
2HD - Special Training "Insanely Bureaucratic"
Languages: Common, Goblin, Troglodyte

Sservalax "Vain Troglodyte" (F)
S10 D11 CO12 I13 W10 CH6
2HD - Special Training "Malodorous"
Languages: Common, Troglodyte, Elvish

Gnorman "Gnome Trapmaker" (M)
S6 D18 CO5 I14 W8 CH11
Special Training "Unpredictable Explosive Devices"
Spells "Grease" and "Darkness"
Languages: Common, Gnome, Troglodyte

Toad "Glory-Hunting Werewolf"
S11 D12 CO7 I6 W5 CH6
Martial Training (D8)
Special Training "Shapeshifter"
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Demonic

Les trois premiers gèreront leurs passages de niveaux ce soir. 
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph
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Messages : 485
Inscription : mer. avr. 27, 2016 3:17 pm
Localisation : Paris (13)

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Herlkin »

Etant joueur occasionnel je peux juste vous dire que j'attends ces retours sur des parties suivies, le seul point sur lequel, non pas que j'avais un doute mais dont le recul manquait. Et après hop tu finis de l'écrire !
Seule fois (enfin je crois) où j'ai recraché la boisson alcoolisée que j'avais dans la bouche tellement j'étais "plié de rire" !

D'ailleurs, est-ce que tes joueurs ont fait des personnages aussi marqués que pour une partie unique ? (je me rends pas bien compte en anglais...)
"Lorsque vous avez éliminé l’impossible, ce qui reste, si improbable soit-il, est nécessairement la vérité."
Sherlock Holmes
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Dieu des babines ruinées
Messages : 12921
Inscription : mer. sept. 15, 2004 11:43 pm
Localisation : Nantes, France

Re: CR Donjon & Cie (en VO)

Message par Sammael99 »

Herlkin a écrit : jeu. sept. 21, 2017 4:54 pm D'ailleurs, est-ce que tes joueurs ont fait des personnages aussi marqués que pour une partie unique ? (je me rends pas bien compte en anglais...)

Pour le moment (et même avec les deux persos de plus d'hier soir) on a pas de concepts aussi barrés que lors des playtest one-shot. Mais ça peut encore venir!
Mozart n'a pas écrit que le Boléro de Ravel. Mais aussi plein d'autres trucs beaucoup moins connus (comme le canon de Pachelbel). - Le Grümph